CASCO — A Portland man was shot with a Taser and arrested early Friday after reportedly challenging police to fight during an early-morning incident on Poland Spring Road.

Travis Greenwood, 23, was charged with disorderly conduct and refusing to submit to arrest after police confronted him at about 1:30 a.m.

According to police, the confrontation began when Greenwood’s girlfriend called to report that Greenwood had been driving drunk with a 2-year-old child in the car.

The car ultimately pulled to the side of the road at Poland Spring and Meadow roads and Cumberland County Sheriff’s deputies responded, police said.

Sgt. Josh Potvin reported that when he pulled up, Greenwood was outside his car, growing agitated at the sight of police. According to the Sheriff’s Department, when the officer got out of his cruiser, Greenwood walked toward him swearing and yelling, “You think you can take me?” 

“Greenwood then removed several articles of clothing from his upper torso to include a jacket and shirt,” according to a Sheriff’s Department statement. “As Mr. Greenwood continued to approach Sgt. Potvin, he yelled out, ‘Let’s go. You think you’re bad?'”

Potvin drew his Taser and ordered Greenwood to stop and get on the ground, according to the statement. But police said Greenwood continued to advance in a threatening manner.

“Sgt. Potvin deployed his Taser, causing Mr. Greenwood to fall to the pavement,” the press release said. “When Mr. Greenwood fell to the ground, he struck his head on the pavement, causing a laceration to his head.”

Potvin then restrained Greenwood and got him into handcuffs as other officers arrived. Paramedics from Casco Rescue took Greenwood to be examined at Bridgton Hospital before he was moved to the Cumberland County Jail in Portland, where he remained late Friday night.

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