AUBURN — Former Auburn Mayor John Jenkins says he will run as a write-in candidate for governor this fall.

Jenkins announced on his Facebook fan page Friday that he would turn in his declaration of candidacy to the secretary of state at 4 p.m.

Jenkins had earlier indicated he would run only if he received 5,000 fans on the social-networking site by today. As of Friday morning, he was at 2,768 fans.

On his fan page, Jenkins noted that Sept. 17 is the 223rd anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution.

He will run as an independent, joining a field of five candidates, including three other independents.

Reaching the 5,000-fan threshold has been in doubt for several weeks. During a Sept. 7 interview, Jenkins was asked if he would join the race regardless of reaching his goal, a self-imposed quota he hoped would legitimize his participation in debates.


He was noncommittal.

“If we get the 5,000 (fans), that’s great. I’m at peace with the situation no matter what,” Jenkins told the Sun Journal earlier this month.

Jenkins, 58, of Auburn, works as a motivational speaker.

Three years ago, a tide of write-in votes swept Jenkins into the Auburn mayor’s office. His successful bid marked the city’s first election of a write-in candidate.

Jenkins has admitted his gubernatorial bid is a long shot. However, he said he is confident his populist message would mobilize voters uninspired by the five other candidates on the ballot.

As for his late arrival to the race, Jenkins said he was convinced by Jeff Benedict, a marketing businessman from Waterville, to seek the Blaine House.


Jenkins aborted a 2002 campaign for the office after falling short on both nomination papers and campaign contributions. He was also unsuccessful in 2006.

His latest platform is a two-layered acronym, “MAINE.” Jenkins said it stands for Maine An Integrated Network Economy. It also stands for Marine Resources, Agriculture, Industry and Innovation, New Investment and Education.

Jenkins said his overall governing philosophy is to further involve the public in policymaking.

“We need homegrown solutions, not Augusta-based solutions,” he said.

In a paper outlining his platform, Jenkins has said he favors marriage equality and enforcing a five-year public assistance limit. His welfare policy also includes a sliding scale of assistance based on income and helping recipients go from “welfare to workfare.”

He also supports nutritional guidelines for food vouchers.


On jobs, Jenkins has said he wants to create incentive programs that encourage innovation and a “consistent and predictable business-friendly public policy.”

He has said wind and nuclear power are important to energy policy, but he was vague about what shape those policies should take.

Jenkins previously expressed hope that campaign contributions would increase as word spreads about his candidacy.

Jenkins has served as mayor of both Lewiston and Auburn.

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