In response to Howard Corwin’s letter (July 26) on water extraction policies, I’d like to offer some information about Poland Spring’s commitment to responsible water stewardship.

At Poland Spring, we realize we have a responsibility to the people of Maine and to Maine’s environment. We do not take our duties lightly. We work with some of the most talented groundwater professionals to ensure our science is sound, and we adhere to all of Maine’s comprehensive state and local regulations.

In 2007, Poland Spring proudly supported Public Law 399, which created an even stronger statewide permitting regime that requires large-scale water withdrawals to avoid harm to existing uses, wildlife habitat, aquatic life, water flow and water quality, and to meet all other listed environmental criteria. This law was the result of an effort led by Natural Resources Committee Chairman Ted Koffman, who convened a wide group of interested parties to develop statutory language. The resulting legislation meets the needs of regulators, agricultural interests, water utilities, water users and other individuals and groups who wanted to make sure large-scale water withdrawals had no adverse impact on the environment and were regulated carefully and transparently.

For more than 165 years, Poland Spring has proven itself to be an excellent steward of a precious Maine natural resource. Our respect for the environment, our stewardship of water sources and the land around them, and our commitment to being a good employer and a good neighbor are all part of our heritage as a Maine company.

Tom Brennan, Yarmouth

Natural Resource Manager, Poland Spring Bottling Company

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