POLAND — Approximately 400 people gathered at Poland Community School on May 7, to mark the graduation of 84 students from the Mechanic Falls–Minot–Poland Adult Education program. Superintendent of Schools, Dennis J. Duquette, congratulated the graduates on their courage to return to school and rise above obstacles.

Several people were recognized with awards for outstanding performance: Perry Edwards, Outstanding Community Safety Instructor; Carlton Brown, Perseverance Award; Kristie Greenough, Diligence Award; Pauline Marshall, Transformation Award; and Brandi Miles, Overcoming Obstacles Award.

The Mechanic Falls, Minot and Poland Adult Education Association awarded scholarships to Lucas Bartlett and Brianna Ellis. Walter Ridlon awarded Central Maine Community College’s Courage to Grow scholarship to Levi Plourde.

Graduates in blue gowns presented red carnations to the relatives, friends and educators who had supported them in their educational journeys. Nancy E. Watson, director, thanked the program staff for their dedication to students and Watson congratulated the graduates on their perseverance and accomplishments.

The 2010 graduates’ plans include photography, the military, art school, cosmetology, business, Maine guide, truck driving, early childhood education, certified nursing, computer science, plumbing, culinary arts, animal rescue and criminal justice.

The 2010 graduates are: Emily Adams, Amber Albison, Jessica Allen, Sherry Arsenault, Lucas Bartlett, David Baughman Jr., William Beevers, Christopher Belanger, Kristofer Benson, Scott Bergey, Cameron Berthiaume, Carlton Brown, Damon Burnley II, James Burrington, David Butler, Heather Cardone, Matthew Chapman, George Coffin, Tiffany Collins, Jason Daniels, Henry Degen III, Reece Demmons.

Also, Brian Denham, Kelson Dooley, Jessica Downs, Brianna Ellis, Jake Ethridge, James Fecteau, Angela Filanowski, Melinda Foster, Jonathan Fowler, Gregory Francis, Zechariah Francoeur, Kevin Gardner, Kristie Greenough, Edgar Gutierrez-Rodriguez, Sarah Holt, Donald Kimball, Sean King, Zachary LaBrecque, Eliza LaClaire, Alexander LaGrange, Daniel Ladderbush, Tanya-Lynn Landry.

Also, Ryan Leet, Jonathan Legassie, Jesse Letourneau, Amanda Levesque, Stephen Manchester II, Jonathan Marsh, Pauline Marshall, Natasha Matthews, Ryan Merrill, Brandi Miles, Roger Morton Jr., James Murphy, Jonathan Ogden, Anthony Pastore, Jason Philbrook, Samuel Pike, Nichole Pinkham, Levi Plourde, Travis Prindall, Brandan Ray, Dylan Ray, Maryellen Remington, Brittany Richards, Holly Sanipass, Nicholas Slauenwhite, Kerey Swan, Rocky Thurlow, Brian Thurlow-Latham, Coralee Van Arsdale, Jennifer Veilleux, Christopher Violette, Ricky Voisine, David Walter, Justin Wildman, Lucas Williams, Donald Wilson, Dustin Wright, and Dustyn Wyman.

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