Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Pat McGowan announced Monday his official campaign song would be “Back in Maine,” which was written in 2007 by Mark Miller and Wayne Hendsbee.

“I look forward to exposing more Mainers to this piece of music as we continue to further the discussion about our beautiful state throughout this campaign,” McGowan said in a release.

He’s right about having to expose people to the song, if the reaction in this newsroom is any indication. No one had heard of it. Mainstream pop, this is not.

“Lumberjacks and fisherman, folks working in the mill; pot luck dinners at the grange, daddies out cooking on the grill,” sings Miller. “Back in Maine. Back in Maine. Give me an old small town right here in Maine.”

And just for fun, here’s a list of interesting presidential campaign songs:

“Only in America” by Brooks and Dunn – George W. Bush in 2004, during his re-election campaign


“Crazy” by Patsy Cline – Ross Perot in 1992, during his independent presidential run

“Born in the U.S.A.” by Bruce Springsteen – Ronald Reagan in 1984, during his re-election campaign

“Ode to the Georgia Farmer” by K.E. and Julia Marsh – Jimmy Carter in 1976, during his successful presidential run

“Happy Days Are Here Again” by Milton Ager and Jack Yellen – Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932, during his first successful presidential bid

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