Those who voted for “change” in the presidential election of 2008 should be wondering if this is what they voted for:

The world perceives us as weak and without resolve. Our expert military leaders are being second-guessed by non-military politicians. Democrats urged a major malfeasance in the home mortgage industry. The automobile industry has financial failures. We borrow billions of dollars from unfriendly countries. We see multiple, proven tax evaders appointed to high government posts. Unemployment is much higher than promised. There is no action on ridding us of illegal aliens. The national debt is soaring past $12 trillion. Our president commands little respect except from those who have their hands out, and that entitlement population is increasing.

So, have you had enough “change” yet? And before you blame George Bush for everything, remember that the final two years of his administration were under a Democrat-controlled Congress. Congress alone spends money and passes laws, not the president.

And now we have a national health plan being rammed through Congress, which demonstrates disgustingly how Democrat politicians act. There was no careful planning, no regard for costs or the effect on the next generation. Senate votes were openly bought. Are senators there only to grab what they can for their states? Who is looking out for the entire nation?

This is the lowest level of integrity and responsibility seen in decades. Our country is not safe with the current Democrats.

Thomas F. Shields, Auburn

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