Art & Java

An artist’s reception for Melinda Campbell will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 11, the last day of her showing at Willy Beans Cafe, 70 Lincoln St., Lewiston. Campbell favors acrylic as a paint medium. Her subjects are diverse and varied – from muscle cars to the Red Sox and Patriots to still lifes to scenes of Italy. Displayed on the Art & Java walls of Willy Beans Café are her works from 2007, when she began painting in earnest, to her most recent 2009 still life, “Dandelions,” and six scenes, “Veduti Italia,” from her stay in Umbria, Italy. “Having 25 of my pieces hung in one venue is fun for me. I can compare and contrast the progression that has evolved so rapidly in my work. Sharing my works pushes my inspiration further,” said Campbell. Her painting, above, is titled “Morning Cup.”


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