PORTLAND – Chapter 7, Maine International 1918 Club, is 30 years old this year and an anniversary party was held at Keeley’s on Sept. 14 with 77 members and guests attending.

The club of people born in 1918 was organized in Pennsylvania in 1960 as a friendship club. The Maine Chapter, known as “the Chickadees,” was started in 1974. There are international conventions throughout the United States every two years. The Maine Chapter hosted conventions in 1978 and 1990 in Portland, and more than 300 attended the 1990 convention.

There is a common bond when members meet as many lost mothers with 1918 influenza and fathers served in World War I.

The International Officers in Rhode Island stopped publishing the bulletin this year. The Maine Chapter will continue to publish a monthly newsletter and hold at least six meetings a year. Many state chapters have folded due to age and health.

Maine’s projects were remembering children, under 12, with Christmas gifts through the Salvation Army. The chapter also contributed $100 each to 10 charities.

Maine Chapter, which had 200 members, is down to 91. This year it met in Gray, Portland and Auburn. Special gathering were held in Rumford and East Andover.

Chapter president is Violet P. Swain, East Andover. She has been president for 15 years. She joined in 1978, has held other offices, was Maine’s newsletter editor for eight years and international editor for the bulletin for 10 years.

Vice president is William B. Smith, Andover; secretary, Mary L. Philbrick, Kennebunkport; and treasurer, Robert G. Webb, Westbrook.

At the September meeting past president Harold Sanborn, Portland, presented Swain with a plaque as thanks for her dedication and leadership.

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