LISBON — American Legion Post 158 has purchased an Automatic Electronic Defibrillator (AED).

Dr. Chad LaChance, internal medicine specialist at Central Maine Medical Center and Post 158 member, trained Legion members on its proper use for adults and infants.

LaChance placed defibrillator patches on a dummy, explaining that each patch had a diagram for its proper placement. He demonstrated shocking, interim CPR action, where the jaw is pulled forward, then shocking again, and administrating oxygen if needed.

The machine “spoke” to LaChance throughout the entire process.

LaChance demonstrated how to use the AED on an infant, using smaller patches and a different CPR technique with much lighter chest compressions.

Dr. Chad LaChance demonstrates to Doreen Heath, center, and Michelle Foss, right, demonstrated how to use the AED. 

Dr. Chad LaChance demonstrates to Post 158, American Legion, how to properly use an AED with a practice dummy.

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